Generalization paragraph is a paragraph whose content draw conclusions based on the data in accordance with the facts.
Paragraph of this generalization is one of the paragraphs in which the inductive inductive paragraph is structured to follow the pattern of inductive reasoning. This paragraph is written in a manner outlining some explanatory sentences containing facts, evidence, examples, or illustrations as empirical data that is specific to the paragraph beginning and ending with the main sentence as the conclusion of a special nature. Generalization paragraph is structured in a way as to present some explanatory sentences are specific reasons to take a general conclusion at the end of the paragraph as the main sentence.
Example sentence:
"Director Mustafa Abubakar PT.MUSIK JAYA estimate that component shortages in some areas PICK UP will not interfere with the stock component of national PICK UP. In fact, the import plan 2007 will be postponed to 2008 due to production of domestic components PICK UP in the coming months is sufficient. Mustafa explained that the stock component PICK UP in July 2012 as many as 1.63 million components sufficient for the needs of students for 7 months. 1.8 million component procurement plan has been fulfilled this year from 1.64 million component manufacturing plant. Imported components PICK UP 2012 is only 1.4 million components, fewer imports 400,000 component of the plan in 2012. Thus, the national reserve components are still able to meet the needs of students and not to worry about until the end of 2012 "
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